Complete Walkthrough for Overthewire Bandit

Easy-to-follow explanations for every Overthewire Bandit wargame level


10 min read

Complete Walkthrough for Overthewire Bandit

Level 0:

  • SSH into the lab as bandit0 user
ssh -p 2220
๐Ÿ”’ bandit0

Level 0 -> Level 1:

  • The home folder for the user bandit0 has a readme file.

  • Reading the file contents with cat command gives the password.

cat readme
๐Ÿ”’ NH2SXQwcBdpmTEzi3bvBHMM9H66vVXjL

Level 1 -> Level 2:

  • The user has file named - but when tried to read with cat - it shows nothing.

  • This is because - has a special meaning in Linux

  • So reading it giving a path from the current location.

cat ./-
๐Ÿ”’ rRGizSaX8Mk1RTb1CNQoXTcYZWU6lgzi

Level 2 -> Level 3:

  • The file name in this case contains spaces.

  • Reading the file normally will result in error because Linux will treat them as separate files when spaces is present so need to escape them.

cat spaces\ in\ this\ filename
๐Ÿ”’  aBZ0W5EmUfAf7kHTQeOwd8bauFJ2lAiG

Level 3 -> Level 4:

  • The file is inside inhere folder and the file is hidden.

  • The file name can be viewed by running ls -al inhere command.

  • Now view the file.

cat inhere/.hidden
๐Ÿ”’ 2EW7BBsr6aMMoJ2HjW067dm8EgX26xNe

Level 4 -> Level 5:

  • The inhere has many file but the password is in the human readable file

  • Using file command can give us the type of file and its information

file ./*

cat ./-file07
๐Ÿ”’ lrIWWI6bB37kxfiCQZqUdOIYfr6eEeqR

Level 5 -> Level 6:

  • There are many folders and inside them many file where finding manually is not a viable option

  • So using the find command to find the file described in the specification.

find -type f -size 1033c

cat maybehere07/.file2
๐Ÿ”’ P4L4vucdmLnm8I7Vl7jG1ApGSfjYKqJU

Level 6 -> Level 7:

  • This time the file can be anywhere in the system

  • Using find command to get the specific file and using 2>/dev/null will not print the error in the terminal.

find . -size 33c -user bandit7 -group bandit6 2>/dev/null

๐Ÿ”’ z7WtoNQU2XfjmMtWA8u5rN4vzqu4v99S

Level 7 -> Level 8:

  • The password is in the very large file next to the word millionth

  • Using grep to get the line with the matching word.

cat data.txt | grep millionth

๐Ÿ”’ TESKZC0XvTetK0S9xNwm25STk5iWrBvP

Level 8 -> Level 9:

  • The password is the unique text in a large file.

  • We can use sort tool to sort the entire file in combination with uniq tool which removes the consecutive duplicate line

cat data.txt | sort | uniq -c
cat data.txt | sort | uniq -c | grep "1 "

๐Ÿ”’ EN632PlfYiZbn3PhVK3XOGSlNInNE00t

Level 9 -> Level 10:

  • The human readable strings can be extracted from a non-text file using the strings command.

  • We can then use grep to find the line with ==== characters.

strings data.txt | grep "======"

๐Ÿ”’ G7w8LIi6J3kTb8A7j9LgrywtEUlyyp6s

Level 10 -> Level 11:

  • The password is in the data.txt file but is encoded with Base64 encoding.
cat data.txt | base64 -d

๐Ÿ”’ 6zPeziLdR2RKNdNYFNb6nVCKzphlXHBM

Level 11 -> Level 12:

  • The password is in the data.txt file but the password is rotated by 13 position known as ROT13


Level 12 -> Level 13:

  • Since it is the hexdump of a compressed file
xxd -r data.txt > data
file data

  • Renaming the file to .gz and extracting with gzip gives the result as data .
mv data data.gz
gzip -d data.gz
file dataNow renaming and using the bzip2 tool.
mv data data.bz2
bzip2 -d data.bz2

mv data.bz2.out data.gz
gzip -d data.gz
file data

  • Same process

๐Ÿ”’ wbWdlBxEir4CaE8LaPhauuOo6pwRmrDw

Level 13 -> Level 14:

  • We get ssh private key instead of password.

  • The password is stored in /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14 and is only readable by bandit14 user.

  • First ssh as bandit14 user and read the password file

ssh bandit14@localhost -i sshkey.private -p 2220
cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14
๐Ÿ”’ fGrHPx402xGC7U7rXKDaxiWFTOiF0ENq

Level 14 -> Level 15:

  • To connect to the localhost at port 30000 we can use netcat
nc localhost 30000

๐Ÿ”’ jN2kgmIXJ6fShzhT2avhotn4Zcka6tnt

Level 15 -> Level 16:

  • For connection using the SSL we can use openssl or ncat
openssl s_client -connect localhost:30001
ncat --ssl localhost 30001

๐Ÿ”’ JQttfApK4SeyHwDlI9SXGR50qclOAil1

Level 16 -> Level 17:

  • For checking the ports in range listening for connection nmap can be used
nmap -sC -sV -p 31000-32000 localhost

  • The service for port 31790 is not echo so it is the valid one.

  • Sending the request and password to the service gives the ssh private key instead of password.

ncat --ssl localhost 31790

  • Save the private key to a file /tmp/sd/private

  • change the permission to 600

chmod 600 private
ssh bandit17@localhost -i private -p 2220

Level 17 -> Level 18:

  • There are two files and password.old and the password is the only line changed between the two files.

  • Here, we can use the diff tool which is used to see differences between two files.

diff password.old

๐Ÿ”’ hga5tuuCLF6fFzUpnagiMN8ssu9LFrdg

Level 18 -> Level 19:

  • We get logged out as soon as we logged in due to some commands in .bashrc

  • We can send commands to run after ssh to read the readme file before the session exit.

  • The auto logout is due to exit 0 command at the end of .bashrc file .

๐Ÿ”’ awhqfNnAbc1naukrpqDYcF95h7HoMTrC

Level 19 -> Level 20:

  • There is a executable file named bandit20-do which is a setuid binary.

  • This means the binary can be run with the privilege of the other user bandit20

  • We can use this to read the contents of the password file for the bandit20 user.

./bandit20-do cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit20
๐Ÿ”’ VxCazJaVykI6W36BkBU0mJTCM8rR95XT

Level 20 -> Level 21:

  • The suconnect binary connects to localhost at the specified port given as argument

  • We log in with two session, listen to localhost at 2023

  • run suconnect binary with 2023 as port

  • provide the previous password from the listening session which sends it to suconect, which checks the password and returns the password for next level if correct.

nc -lvp 2023
๐Ÿ”’ NvEJF7oVjkddltPSrdKEFOllh9V1IBcq

Level 21 -> Level 22:

  • The /etc/cron.d directory has a Cronjobfile for the bandit22 user.

  • Looking at the contents it is running the /usr/bin/ script continuously.

  • The scripts is echoing the password of the bandit22 user into a file in /tmp directory.

  • Reading the file gives us the password.

๐Ÿ”’ WdDozAdTM2z9DiFEQ2mGlwngMfj4EZff

Level 22 -> Level 23:

  • looking at the cron job

  • Looking at the script it is copying the password to the file named MD5 sum of the string I am user $myname

mytarget=$(echo I am user $myname | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)

echo "Copying passwordfile /etc/bandit_pass/$myname to /tmp/$mytarget"

cat /etc/bandit_pass/$myname > /tmp/$mytarget
  • Since the user we want the password for is bandit23.

  • Now reading the file with name as the md5 hash

๐Ÿ”’ QYw0Y2aiA672PsMmh9puTQuhoz8SyR2G

Level 23 -> Level 24:

  • Looking at the cron job script of bandit24 user we see it executes and deletes the scripts present in the /var/spool/bandit24/foo directory


cd /var/spool/$myname/foo
echo "Executing and deleting all scripts in /var/spool/$myname/foo:"
for i in * .*;
    if [ "$i" != "." -a "$i" != ".." ];
        echo "Handling $i"
        owner="$(stat --format "%U" ./$i)"
        if [ "${owner}" = "bandit23" ]; then
            timeout -s 9 60 ./$i
        rm -f ./$i
  • We need to create a script at the location and make it executable to all users.

  • the script will be executed with the privilege of the bandit24 user and we can read the password stored in /etc/bandit_pass/bandit24


cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit24 > /tmp/pwned
cat /tmp/pwned

๐Ÿ”’ VAfGXJ1PBSsPSnvsjI8p759leLZ9GGar

Level 24 -> Level 25:

  • For this we need to call daemon at localhost at port 30002 with password of previous level and secret 4 digit pin

  • First we generate the password and pin combination and brute force it to the service


for i in {0..9}
  for j in {0..9}
    for k in {0..9}
             for l in {0..9}
                echo  "VAfGXJ1PBSsPSnvsjI8p759leLZ9GGar $i$j$k$l" >> pin.txt
for i in {0000..9999};do echo$i >> pin.txt ; done
  • We then pipe the combination to the service and store response in a text file
cat pin.txt | nc localhost 30002 > response
  • Now grep the password

๐Ÿ”’ p7TaowMYrmu23Ol8hiZh9UvD0O9hpx8d

Level 25 -> Level 26:

  • when logged in we get the private RSA key of user 26

  • but the default shell is not bash or anything

  • it is /usr/bin/showtext


export TERM=linux

exec more ~/text.txt
exit 0
  • The exec command shows the following result. The content is after "Enjoy you stay!".

  • Looking at the man page of the more command we figure we can go into vim while reading in more mode by pressing the V key .

  • We then make our terminal so small that it automatically goes to more when showing the text in *text.txt* file.

  • we then read file in vim by going to normal mode and entering the following command.

:r /etc/bandit_pass/bandit26
  • We can also run shell commands or get shell from vim

  • But for that we have to set the shell to bash as it has a different shell by default

:set shell=/bin/bash
:! cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit26
:! /bin/bash
๐Ÿ”’ c7GvcKlw9mC7aUQaPx7nwFstuAIBw1o1

Level 26 -> Level 27:

  • We have a SUID binary by bandit27 user which takes command as argument.
./bandit27-do cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit27
๐Ÿ”’ YnQpBuifNMas1hcUFk70ZmqkhUU2EuaS

Level 27 -> Level 28:

  • We first clone the repository in /tmp directory

  • note that the port should be 2220

git clone ssh://bandit27-git@localhost:2220/home/bandit27-git/repo
  • Reading the README file in the repository which has the password.

๐Ÿ”’ AVanL161y9rsbcJIsFHuw35rjaOM19nR

Level 28 -> Level 29:

  • Cloning the git repository we see the password is hidden

  • Since it is a git repository the changes are saved. Viewing git log

  • the latest commit message indicates some credentials leak so we checkout to the previous commit.

  • Read the Readme file again

๐Ÿ”’ tQKvmcwNYcFS6vmPHIUSI3ShmsrQZK8S

Level 29 -> Level 30:

  • The readme file shows no password

  • The log also do not have any information

  • But if we look at the branch in remote location we see some more branches

  • If we observe the password field at the readme, it gives hint as not in the production
git checkout dev
  • Then read the file again

๐Ÿ”’ xbhV3HpNGlTIdnjUrdAlPzc2L6y9EOnS

Level 30 -> Level 31:

  • We do not find anything repeating the previous challenges

  • But when we view tags it shows a file named secret

git tag
git show secret

๐Ÿ”’ OoffzGDlzhAlerFJ2cAiz1D41JW1Mhmt

Level 31 -> Level 32:

  • Reading the README file we know the task to be performed

  • creating the file with the content

  • removing the file from the .gitignore and push them to remote repository we get the flag.

๐Ÿ”’ rmCBvG56y58BXzv98yZGdO7ATVL5dW8y

Level 32 -> Level 33:

  • Upon ssh we get a shell where every command is converted to upper shell and then executed

  • However environment variables like SHELL are accessible as they are in upper case.

  • we execute $0 which represent the command which runs the program or binary.

  • Eg. /bin/bash uppershell $0 represents /bin/bash and $1 represent uppershell which is the argument.

  • We get the shell of bandit33

  • on inspection we can see that uppershell is a binary with suid set to bandit33 and group bandit32 has the executable permission.

  • From this we might guess, upon login through ssh /bin/bash uppershell command was executed.

Thank You !!!
